公 法 评 论 惟愿公平如大水滚滚,使公义如江河滔滔! |
中国社会科学院法学研究所宪法行政法室目前共有在编研究人员8人,其中研究员3人,副研究员4人,助理研究员1人。莫纪宏、冯军为室副主任。我室设有全国最早的法学博士学位点,著名法学家张友渔先生曾担任博士生导师。现有博士生导师4人,包括著名宪法学家王叔文研究员、张庆福研究员、陈云生研究员和吴新平研究员。宪法学是我室传统优势学科,著名宪法学家王叔文先生目前任中国法学会宪法学研究会总干事,张庆福先生任中国法学会宪法学研究会副总干事,莫纪宏副研究员任中国法学会宪法学研究会副秘书长。我室曾先后培养了十几名硕士和十几名博士,产生了全国第一个宪法学博士和第一个行政法学博士后。我室研究人员曾先后参加国家宪法、香港和澳门特别行政区基本法、戒严法、行政诉讼法、防震减灾法等上百部法律、法规的起草和立法咨询工作,出版了一批有重要学术影响的著作,包括《香港特别行政区基本法导论》、《澳门特别行政区基本法导论》、《宪法学基本理论》、《权利相对论》、《宪政新论》等。目前正在从事的重要研究课题有“文化法制研究”、“市场经济与宪政建设”和“政府行政权力的法律控制”等。《宪政论丛》是我室编辑的反映我国宪法学界宪政研究最新成果的定期出版的论著。 我室张焕光教授是我国著名的行政法学专家,周汉华副研究员、张明杰副研究员是具有较大学术影响的中青年行政法学专家。
联系电话:64054333。E-mail 信箱:jihongmo@yahoo.com。
Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
There Are Eight Registered Researchers in Research Section of Constitutional
Law and Administrative Law, of Them There Are Three Professors, Four Associate
Professors and One Assistant Professor. Mo Jihong and Fengjun Are Vice Directors
of Research Section. There is an earliest Doctor Training Station in Research
Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, the Most Famous Jurist
Zhang Youyu acted as Advisor of Doctor. At Present, There Are Four Advisors
in the Station, Including the Most Famous Jurist Professor Wang Shuwen , Professor
Zhang Qingfu, Professor Chen Yunsheng and Professor Wu Xinping. The Traditional
Leading Major Is Constitutional Law. At Present, Professor Wang Shuwen acts
as President of Chinese Association of Constitutional Law, Professor Zhang
Qingfu acts as Vice President of Chinese Association of Constitutional Law
and Associate Professor Mo Jihong acts as Vice General Secretary of Chinese
Association of Constitutional Law. In total, There Are More Than Ten Persons
Who Gained Master Degree and over Ten Persons Who Acquired Doctorate , of
them there is a First Doctor of Constitutional Law and a First Post-Doctor
Scholar in the People’s Republic of China. The Researchers in Research Section
of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Have Attended More Than One Hundred
Times’ Legislative Drafting and Consulting Activities, Including Constitutional
Law, Basic Law of Hongkong and Macao Special Administrative Region, Martial
Law, Administrative Litigation Law and Law of Prevention of Quake and Mitigation
of Disaster etc. Main Important Publications Contain Introduction on Basic
Law of Hongkong Special Administrative Region, Introduction on Basic Law of
Macao Special Administrative Region , the Basic Theory of Constitutional Law,
Relativity of Rights and New Concept of Constitutionalism etc.The Researching
Programs at Present Concern Research on Culture Legality, Market Economy and
Constitutionalism Construction, Legal Control of Governmental Administrative
Power etc. Constitutionalism Review Which Can Reflect New Research Result
in the Field of Constitutionalism in China Is Periodic Publication Edited
by Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. Professor
Zhang Huanguang Is A Famous Expert of Administrative Law In Our Country ;
Zhou Hanhua and Zhang Mingjie, Both Associate Professors In the Section Are
Young Experts of Administrative Law Who Enjoy Higher Reputation In the Academic
Field of Administrative Law.Liaison Telephone :64054333; E_mail Address: jihongmo@yahoo.com.
王叔文 男,1950年毕业于四川大学法律系。1957年毕业于苏联莫斯科大学法律系。研究员、博士生导师。历任中国科学院法学研究所副所长、所长,中国法学会副会长,中国法学会宪法学研究会总干事,国务院学位委员会委员。1993年7月起任香港特别行政区筹备委员会预备工作委员会委员。1995年12月—1997年7月任香港特别行政区筹委会委员。第七届全国人大代表,第八届全国人大常委(四川)、法律委员会副主任委员。主要著作有《宪法是治国安邦的总章程》、《香港特别行政区基本法导论》和《澳门特别行政区基本法导论》等。
张庆福 男,法学硕士,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院法学研究所宪法行政法室副主任、主任,中国法学会理事,中国法学会宪法学研究会副总干事,北京市法学会宪法学研究会副会长。专业:宪法学、行政法学,近年来研究的重点是:宪法学基本理论、村民自治、人大监督制度、文化法。《宪政论丛》主编。现正在研究的课题有“文化法制研究”,“人大监督制度研究”。主要著作有:《宪法学基本理论》、《宪法学研究述略》、《中国宪法概论》和《我国公民的基本权利和义务》等。
Zhang Qingfu Male, Master of Law, Professor, Advisor of Doctor. Former Vice Director and Director of Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of Law Institute of CASS, Council Member of China Law Society, Vice President of Chinese Association of Constitutional Law, Vice President of Beijing Association of Constitutional Law. Main Majors Are Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Including Basic Theory of Constitutional Law, Villager’s Autonomy, Supervision System of NPC, Culture Law etc. The Present Research Programs Concern Research on Culture Legality, Research on Supervision System of NPC. Main Works Include Basic Theory of Constitutional Law, Summarization of Constitutional Law’s Research, Introduction of Chinese Constitutional Law, Citizen’s Basic Rights and Duties etc.
Liaison Telephone 64054333
陈云生 男,新中国第一位宪法学博士,研究员,博士生导师。中国法学会宪法学研究会理事,曾任中国社会科学院法学研究所宪法行政法室副主任。《宪政论丛》副主编。曾在美国加州伯克利法律分校和丹麦人权研究所作过访问学者。专业:宪法学、行政法学,近年来研究的重点是:权利相对论、宪法哲学、民族区域自治和宪法监督制度。目前正在承担社科项目“宪法监督的模式比较研究”。主要著作有:《民主宪政新潮—宪法监督的理论与实践》、《权利相对论—权利和义务价值模式的建构》、《成文宪法的比较研究》和《民族区域自治法精义》等。
Chen Yunsheng Male, the First Doctor of Constitutional Law in the People’s Republic of China, Professor, Advisor of Doctor. Council Member of Chinese Association of Constitutional Law, Former Vice Director of Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of Law Institute of CASS. Vice General Editor of Constitutionalism Review. Visiting Scholar at Law School of California University and Danish Institute of Human Rights. Main Majors Are Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Including Relativity of Rights, Constitutional Philosophy, National Region’s Autonomy and Constitutional Supervision System. The Present Research Program is Comparative Research of Constitutional Supervision Models. Main Publications Are New Tide of Democratic Constitutionalism, Relativity of Rights, Comparative Research of the Written Constitutional Law, Refined Interpretation on Law of National Region’s Autonomy.
莫纪宏 男,法学博士,副研究员。中国社会科学院法学研究所宪法行政法室副主任,中国法学会宪法学研究会副秘书长。《宪政论丛》副主编。国家地震局立法顾问,曾参与《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》等法律、法规的起草工作。曾在日本东京大学法学部和挪威人权研究所作过客座研究员和访问学者。专业:宪法学、行政法学,近年来研究的重点是:宪法诉讼与宪法监督、宪政与人权、紧急状态法、文化法和灾害法等。主要著作有:《宪政新论》、《宪法审判制度概要》、《表达自由的法律界限》和《政府与公民宪法必读》等。
E-mail 地址:jihongmo@yahoo.com
Mo Jihong Male , Ph,D., Associate Professor. Vice Director of Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of Law Institute of CASS, Vice General Secretary of Chinese Association of Constitutional Law. Vice General Editor of Constitutionalism Review. Legislative Consultant of State Seismology Bureau, Attending in Drafting Law of Prevention of Quake and Mitigation of Disaster etc. Visiting Scholar of Law Faculty of Tokyo University and Norwegian Institute of Human Rights. Main Majors Concern Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Including Constitutional Litigation and Constitutional Supervision, Constitutionalism and Human Rights, Emergency Law, Culture Law and Disaster Law etc. Main Publications Include New Concept of Constitutionalism, Summarization on Constitutional Justice System, Legal Limitation on Freedom of Expression, Constitutional Handbook for Government and Citizen.
Liaison Telephone 64054333
Email Address: jihongmo@yahoo.com.
冯军 法学博士,新中国第一位行政法学博士后,副研究员。中国社会科学院法学研究所宪法行政法室副主任,中国法学会行政法学研究会理事。曾在香港大学法学院、荷兰莱顿大学法学院非西方国家法律和行政研究所作过访问学者。专业行政法学,近年来研究重点是:行政法学的基础理论、行政处罚、国家赔偿、政府行政权力的法律控制等。主要著作有:《国家赔偿法释论》、《中国行政法的理论与实务》、《“平衡论”的疏漏问题》和《现代行政程序在行政法治中的作用》等。
E-mail 地址:fengjun@public2.east.cn.net
Feng Jun Ph.D., the First Person Obtaining Post-Doctorate Profession of Administrative
Law in the People’s Republic of China, Associate Professor. Vice Director
of Research Section of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of Law Institute
of CASS, Council Member of Chinese Association of Administrative Law. Visiting
Scholar in Faculty of Law of HongKong University 、the Non-Western Countries’
Law and Administration Institute of Law School of Leiden University in The
Netherlands. Main Major Is Administrative Law, Including the Basic Theory
of Administrative Law, Administrative Punishment,State Liability, Legal Control
of Governmental Administrative Power etc. Main Publication Include Interpretation
on State Compensation, Theory and Practice of Administrative Law of China,
Fault Problems Concerning Theory of Balance, Modern Administrative Procedure’s
Role in Rule of Administrative Law.
Liaison Telephone:64054333
Email Address: fengjun@public2.east .cn.net
周汉华 法学博士,副研究员。曾在美国密执根大学法学院和挪威人权研究所作过访问学者。专业:行政法学,近年来研究的重点是:行政诉讼、政府管制与国家赔偿。主要著作有:《论行政诉讼中的司法能动性》、《论行政诉讼中的法律问题》和《外国国家赔偿制度比较》等。兼职律师,主要为国际投资者提供投资、融资服务。
联系电话 64054333
E-mail hanhua.zhou@hotbot.com
Zhou Hanhua Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law. Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School and Norwegian Institute of Human Rights. Specializing in Administrative Law, Including such Areas as Administrative Litigation , Governmental Regulation and State Liability etc. Recent Publications include Judicial Creativity in Administrative Litigation Process; Issue of Law in Administrative Litigation; Comparative State Liability. Part Time Attorney at Law Mainly Providing Legal Service for International Investors in Connection with International Investment and Financing.
Tel 64054333
E-mail hanhua.zhou@hotbot.com
张明杰 女,法学硕士,副研究员。曾在美国明尼苏达大学法学院作过访问学者。专业:行政法学,近年来研究的重点是:行政行为、行政诉讼、行政权控制和行政程序。主要著作有:《论行政自由裁量权的控制问题》、《论依法行政》和《行政法的新理念》等。
联系电话 64054333
Zhang Mingjie Female, Master Degree of Law, Associate Professor of Law. Visiting Scholar at Law School of the University of Minnesota in the United States. Main Research Areas Include Administrative Act, Administrative Litigation, Administrative Procedure and Control of Administrative Power etc. Main Publications Include Administration by Law, Control of Administrative Power, New Concept of Administration. Liaison
Telephone 64054333